Research Areas

How can space technology and R&D contribute to sustainable development?

For a country like Jordan with limited natural and financial resources, it is important to focus on areas of sustainable development that directly impact Jordanians’ quality of life. Showing that these goals can be addressed with the help of space initiatives and technologies is an important step in engaging the citizens and government. This engagement will play an important role in fostering space interest in Jordan, and enabling Jordan to contribute to the creation of the Moon Village.

Our research areas were chosen to focus on Jordan's national priorities, its strengths and its weaknesses, while also contributing to the development of technologies required for future space exploration and the Moon Village. Read more below.

Water Resource Management

Keywords:  Water filtration, Recycling, Storage, Distribution.

Jordan is one of the most water-scarce countries in the world

The country’s renewable water supply only meets about 50% of its demand, and groundwater is used twice as quickly as it is regenerated, while another 50% is used for agriculture

JSRI is focusing on incorporating space R&D and technologies for more efficient recycling and filtration to provide enough water to meet the needs of the country.

Renewable Energy

Keywords:  Sustainable Energy Generation, Recycling, Storage, Distribution

Jordan’s energy demand is growing, with 97% of its energy requirements being imported, and only 3% covered by renewables.

Using local renewable energy sources, such as solar energy, has a potentially large impact on the country and its inhabitants beyond the benefits of reduced emissions.

Ongoing technological initiatives may be bettered with the incorporation of space technology and research.

ISRU Robotics

Keywords:  In-situ Resource Utilization, Robotic Technologies in harsh environments.

The Jordanian desert, and particularly Wadi Rum, often draws comparisons to Mars due to its extremely similar topography and terrain. This provides a unique opportunity to test in-situ resource utilization (ISRU) and robotic technologies.

Many local initiatives are educating young Jordanian students and professionals in the field of robotics, providing them with the needed knowledge, guidance, facilities, and technology.

JSRI aims to provide opportunities in this area while collaborating with local partners.

Dust Mitigation

Keywords:  Mitigation of dust impacts in harsh environments

Dust mitigation is one of the main challenges in lunar exploration.

Dunes and sandstorms in Wadi Rum, as well as other natural deserts in Jordan, provide an unique analog environment for the research and study of space technologies resistance against dust.

Simultaneously, learning from the indigenous people of the lands (the Bedouins)  and working with them to ensure the research benefits them instead of imposing our facility on their lands. 

Smart City Infrastructure

Keywords:  Sensing and Technical connectivity for smart cities.

Amman, the capital of Jordan has over 4 million inhabitants and hosts around 400,000 refugees, which has put a lot of pressure on the municipal's services towards the city.

Jordan is moving away from seeing ICT as an isolated sector and towards digitizing the entire Jordanian economy. In 2020, Jordan ranked 4th in the Arab world in a recent report on smart digital cities, and 53rd worldwide

JSRI will build upon these smart solutions and ongoing developments for lunar “smart base” strategies.


Keywords:  Farming and Food Storage in remote areas and harsh environments

The agricultural sector in Jordan has economic and social implications, especially in rural areas where the sector provides jobs opportunities and a source of income.

Its main challenges are the dependence on strained water resources, climate change, and lack of lands suitable for cultivation due to desertification and other factors.

In order to contribute to food security and economic growth, Jordan has an ongoing partnership with Norway  (Sahara Forest Project) aiming to grow food in the desert. Similar technologies may be developed and tested for future lunar bases.

Women's Health 

Keywords:  Medical and Pharmaceutical Research for women in remote areas or harsh environment.

Women in Jordan, particularly in low-income areas, refugee camps, and remote areas, are unable to access established healthcare systems due to financial, logistical, or time-related constraints.

Poverty debilitates women and impairs their access to health care, proper nutrition, and well-being in general.

Similarly in space, research into women’s health is severely lacking. JSRI aims to focus on medical and pharmaceutical research to improve accessibility for women in remote or harsh environments.

Community Engagement

Keywords: Participatory Practices, Community Involvement and Awareness Campaigns

Community Engagement was identified as a separate and equally important area for JSRI's goals. This is an overarching goal that will impact all different stakeholders and phases of this roadmap. Without community engagement, JSRI would likely not succeed, as the general public in Jordan is not aware of the importance of space exploration, or sees it as a waste of resources.

By placing sustainable development and national priorities at the forefront of space exploration efforts, we ensure that the benefits derived from space R&D will directly and positively impact society as a whole, showing that space has benefits for life on Earth.